Understanding and nourishing our cycles doesn't have to be overwhelming or mysterious. Our cycles serve as anchors to our zest, vitality, and longevity with the benefits rippling out through our families and communities. Learn more about yourself and your cycles in this vibrant course!
-discover the foods, mindset, and lifestyle that either drain or enhance your juiciness -practice Yoga nidrā, āsana, and breathing techniques to fortify your endurance and stamina -access resources to rejuvenate your reproductive health at any age -rebuild and restore vitality, even if you've experienced chronic fatigue, debility, and exhaustion
-19 yoga classes -6 Recorded Lectures -3 Seasonal Cooking Classes -Monthly Live, Interactive Classes -Dynamic and Restorative somatic practices -Meridian tapping and toning -Sense therapies -Mutual support through a community atmosphere
This series emphasizes a practice that cools and anchors our bodies, and supports a calm and collected demeanor. Scott will introduce and encourage breathing patterns that compliment the expansive energy of the Summer season.
You’ve probably heard about the microbiome, but do you know about the MYCObiome? The mycobiome relates specifically to the population of fungi and yeast that play an essential role in our overall gut health. Dive into the diet, lifestyle, and practices that support a healthy mycobiome informed by leading edge research and the wisdom of Āyurveda.